Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blue Moon Nova Patrol

First painted test figure for Blue Moon Nova Patrol. Went for a gloss black visor. well see how they look in mass. Very pulpy uniforms.
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2nd look at Nova patrol

just another look at Nova patrol(trying to figure out how to upload from picasa multiple pics to one blog entry)
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Blue moon Nova Patrol

Just a quick look at my second squad of Blue moon-Nova Patrol. These guys are rather tall, with nice pulpy uniforms and weapons .and a nice large visored helmet to paint. Very nice sculpting and lots of detail. I'm thinking of something bright for this squad,but well see after vacation. I have no idea if these guys are human or what.I'm guessing when the rules come out we will all find out.
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Bluemoon mercantile bond soldiers

Just finished my first squad of 15mm, Blue moon mercantile bond soldiers. I thoroughly enjoyed panting these guys, although it was a little difficult for me, not knowing anything about the models, army background, etc. Oh, well... its only 1 squad. will be interested to see how others paint these up. Will be gone for a week up in NY, so probably no progress for a while. Wives seem not to appreciate portable boxes of paint and miniatures on vacation.
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More Blue moon

Hello, just a quick comparison shot of some Blue Moon stuff with a sample Khurasan and Rebel Minis.
I know the dome on the BlueMoon mercantile Bond soldier is strange, But it doesn't seem to affect how well it plays with other miniatures. If anything the Bluemoon Nova Patrol seems kind of tall-I think its a tall helmet. Of course, without any racial background or fluff, it's hard to know. But I do like the detail and paintability so far. Each pack has many different poses, very hard to tell but close to being all unique models. I also just found Picasa for photo editing, and very happy so far with the improvements possible.
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Monday, July 19, 2010

Blue moon MBS part2

Hi, just wanted to show the test figure for this squad. Basically 3 colors plus weapon. Black forest green and contrasting light avocado for body armor, and light mushroom for webbing and pack.

On this squad all colors are cheap craft paints. The gun is painted graphite. I slopped on a black future wash and then went over with the original colors,only covering 75% of the original area.

I really have no set in stone technique yet, so I will probably be experimenting alot.

Painting my first squad

hello, this is my first attempt at painting scifi 15mm. first up is a squad of 10 mercantile bond soldiers from Blue Moon. I have affixed them to washers and coated with liquitex black gesso, followed by a drybrush of my starting color- a light green. I really like these figures; the sculpting is very nice for 15s. Lots of character, and lots of different choices in this range( which I never knew existed-I just happened to get these in a nice trade with battleworks studios).
This may not be such a helpful post, but I wanted others to see these cool sculpts up close before I besmirch them with paint. I see a lot of potential in this range and they are going to be a pleasure to paint. My only complaint so far, is with the huge dome base for this squad in particular. It really looks like they are running on a big excercise ball. I also wish I knew a little bit about the rules, fluff and background before I paint. For all I know what I am painting as a hard helmet could be a canvas environmental mask. All in all its a good squad to cut my teeth on, its only ten guys nd no more to paint(so far).

Back to my Roots

Hello all, just starting this little blog in an attempt to chronicle my efforts in painting 15mm
science fiction models and figures. I have been painting some sort of miniatures since I was about 10 years old, but time invested does not always equal greatness in the abscence of talent. Hopefully perserverence is enough to make up for lack of artistic qualities.
I firmly believe that anyone can paint a good looking miniature ; if they are willing to invest the time.
It has been roughly 16 years since I panted minis in this scale, and many of my tricks and methods will have to be thrown out the window. I realize I am a little late to the scifi 15mm party, having resisted for the last year, and prior to that having been heavily invested in 28mm ancients.
I could no longer ignore the explosion of talent and creativity in this area of miniatures, and the excitement I felt in viewing each new release from companies such as Khurasan miniatures; critical mass games; rebel minis ; and the scene 15mmuk.(I'm sure I will learn of others as well).
So, in an effort to support all these companies I have placed several large orders and will start painting. As I post painted examples, I hope to get constructive criticism, as I know my efforts will be sub par to start. The first painting experiment will be a squad of Blue Moon mecantile bond soldiers that I got in a trade. My problem is I know nothing about these figs- no painted examples-no fluff- no pictures in a glossy rules book; but that may be for the best.
Next clean up/basing/gesso.